(2016-12-22) NSIから送信されるドメイン登録者情報を確認するメールについて

Action Required: Notice Regarding Your Domain Name(s)

Network Solutions社(以後、NSI)は、NSIのデータベースで管理されているドメインの登録者に対して、登録者のメールアドレス宛に、登録内容の確認のためのメールを届けてくることがあります。








Network Solutionsからのメール例)

差出人: Network Solutions
メールタイトル: Action Required: Notice Regarding Your Domain Name(s)


Dear Domain folder,
You are receiving this email because you registered one or more domain names through a company, which is a reseller of Network Solutions.
As the registrar for your domain provider, we are required by ICANN* to contact you annually to verify your WHOIS information.
WHOIS is a publicly available database containing information associated with every domain name registration. ICANN states that inaccurate or outdated information in your WHOIS listing may be grounds for domain name cancellation. You may access the full ICANN policy at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/registrars/consensus-policies/wdrp-en.
Even if you have WHOIS privacy on your domain, please review each of your domains, taking note of the mailing address, email address, and phone numbers for each contact. The WHOIS database is available at https://whois.icann.org/.
If your information has changed or is inaccurate, please contact your domain name provider or log into your account manager and update the information.
Thank you for your attention to this important ICANN-required message.
Network Solutions Partner Program 
*Network Solutions is accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization that oversees the domain registry system.
Please do not reply to this email. Replying to this email will not secure your services. Please review our Privacy Policy and our Service Agreement and any applicable supplemental service agreements for additional terms and conditions.
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